Charlotte Rose Densmore
1. What do you do?
I am the Director of Public Policy at the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD). Our mission is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for the wide spectrum of diverse people with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play, and worship in their communities.
Quintin Kreth Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
"Understanding Faculty Research Productivity in Striving Research Universities"
12:30-2:00PM Thursday May 23rd, 2024
Price Gilbert Library Room 4222 and Via Zoom:
Memorial For Sierra Shuck-Sparer
We will hold a memorial for Sierra Shuck-Sparer, a well-loved student in the BSPP program and a friend of many of us. Sierra passed away on March 27.
As noted in her online life story, Sierra “inspired her friends, family, fellow cancer patients, and all who followed her five-plus year battle against cancer with her optimism and resolve.”
The memorial will be held in the student lounge, Rich 140, at 2pm. Attendees are welcome to share a memory of Sierra.