Studying philosophy improves your abilities to think and communicate, and to acquire a breadth of understanding about the world, science, society, and yourself that can inform your judgment and how you shape the world long after graduation. Students pursuing the philosophy minor sometimes come from high schools with international baccalaureate programs or strong AP courses where their awareness and enthusiasm for philosophy was stimulated. Others take a course to help fulfill their humanities requirement, then get hooked on ethics, epistemology, phenomenology, or other topics. Some students have taken full advantage of the minor, such as a student several years ago who was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship, earned a DPhil in Philosophy at Oxford (writing on political liberalism), then a JD at Harvard (and returned during this process for a semester to teach a course for us).
Georgia Tech’s philosophers offer a minor in philosophy. Students who wish to obtain this minor must complete at least 15 credit hours of coursework.
For more detailed information including a list of approved courses, visit the Georgia Tech Course Catalog.