M.S. in Public Policy

Information Session Dates

Information sessions for the AY25-26 cohort will be held via Zoom on the following dates:

  • TBD

You may also view a recording of our most recent webinar if you're unable to join us in person.

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The Master of Science in Public Policy (M.S. PUBP) at Georgia Tech School of Public Policy is the right one for your career development since we provide the following specialties and strengths:

Integrate Theory and Practice

You enjoy integrating theory and practice, bringing together knowledge from professional and scientific fields with an awareness of how knowledge should be used. The M.S. PUBP is designed for this very purpose.

Apply Analytical Skills to Real Life

You would like to acquire analytical skills and apply them to real-life policy problems in areas such as the role of intellectual property in government support for science, the changing composition of the science and technology workforce, the attribution of value by stakeholders to potential environmental impacts of technological developments, or the potential for regional economic development based on new technology, among many others, pursued at our School.

Award-Winning Faculty

You will settle for nothing less than studying and sharing research work with a faculty that has a national and international reputation. Our faculty are widely recognized for their research in S&T policy, environmental policy, regional economic development and IT policy.

Diverse Student Body

You would like to become part of a diverse student body crossing paths with people from all over the world, at all stages in their careers, with prior backgrounds in many different fields of knowledge and a common interest in problem-solving in the public interest. This is a prominent feature of our program.

Successful Career Ahead

Your career goals include the potential for getting a job that defies the stereotypes. Our graduates have been placed in state and federal government organizations, national and international consulting firms, media corporations, not-for-profit organizations, among others. Many have gone on to successful academic careers.

List of Government, Private, and NGO Companies where our graduates have been placed including: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention US Federal Trade Commission US Federal Communications Commission US Environmental Protection Agency US Government Accountability Office US Department of State US Department of Transportation US Department of Commerce US Department of Veterans Affairs  California Public Utilities Commission Tennessee Valley Authority Invest Atlanta Georgia Power Southern Company Duke Energy Corporation The World Bank International Monetary Fund Inter-American Development Bank  Boston Consulting Group Deloitte Booz Allen Hamilton Accenture  Microsoft JP Morgan Chase Bank & Company Bank of America The Coca-Cola Company Walmart Delta Air Lines Google Fiber National Cash Register (NCR)  Comcast Cisco Tableau Software Hewlett-Packard Company eBay Intel Pfizer  National Science Foundation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Institutes of Health The National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences American Transportation Research Institute Natural Resources Defense Council National Climate Adaptation Science Center  City of New York City of Atlanta City of San Jose City of San Antonio

The M.S. PUBP at Georgia Tech invites you to experience these and discover other exciting possibilities in your graduate studies.