Julia Melkers
- School of Public Policy
- Technology Policy and Assessment Center
Dr. Julia Melkers is Professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA and holds a visiting appointment at INGENIO [CSIC], University Polytechnic Valencia, Spain. She teaches graduate-levels courses in research design, program evaluation, survey methods, and an undergraduate course in American Government. Her research and evaluation work focuses on a number of aspects relevant to careers in science, including research and career capacity development in the STEM environment, knowledge diffusion, collaborative and other social networks and issues specific to career development and mentoring with special attention to underrepresented groups. She directs the ROCS lab (Research on Careers in Science), a group of faculty and students who work on projects relevant to the science and engineering workforce, and related careers. She is also the U.S. Co-Editor of the journal, Research Evaluation.
Dr. Melkers’ research has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. National Institutes for Health, and multiple foundations. She has conducted evaluation-related work for the U.S. National Science Foundation, the OECD, governments of Mexico and Latvia, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the National Research Council, HUD, the States of Alaska, Georgia, Rhode Island and Maine, and the City of Atlanta. Her publications may be found in journals such as Science, Technology & Human Values; PlosOne; Computer Science Education; Internet and Higher Education; Review of Policy Research; Public Administration Review; Urban Studies Review; Policy Studies Journal, Public Budgeting and Finance; Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory; Journal of Technology Transfer and Evaluation and Program Planning. She earned her PhD in Public Administration at the Maxwell School at Syracuse University and also holds an M.P.A. from the University of Wisconsin @ Milwaukee. She previously was on the faculty of the University of Illinois at Chicago, Georgia State University, and the University of Alaska. She is the daughter of Latvian refugees, grew up in Wisconsin and has lived in many snowy locales, now settled in Atlanta with her husband, two daughters, and furry beasts.
- Ph.D., Syracuse University, The Maxwell School, Public Administration
- M.P.A., University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
- Program Evaluation, Public Management and Administration
- S&E Organizations, Education, Careers and Workforce
- Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy
- Gender
- Governance
- Human Capital
- Science and Engineering Workforces
- Science and Technology
- POL-1101: Government of the U.S.
- PUBP-4120: Survey Research Methods
- PUBP-4699: Undergraduate Research
- PUBP-4803: Special Topics
- PUBP-6112: Research Dsgn-Polcy Sci
- PUBP-6221: Pol & Program Evaluation
- PUBP-8500: Research Seminar
- PUBP-8803: Special Topics
- PUBP-8813: Special Topics
- PUBP-8823: Special Topics
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
- Lurking and participation in the virtual classroom: The effects of gender, race, and age among graduate students in computer science
In: Computers & Education [Peer Reviewed]
Date: July 2020
- Can Online Delivery Increase Access to Education?.
In: Journal of Labor Economics [Peer Reviewed]
Date: January 2019
- A characterization of professional media and its links to research
In: Scientometrics [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- Doctoral Trainee Preferences for Career Development Resources: The Influence of Peer and Other Supportive Social Capital
In: International Journal of Doctoral Education [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- Preferences for peer-reviewed versus other publication sources: a survey of general dentists in the National Dental PBRN
In: Implementation Science [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
All Publications
Journal Articles
- Lurking and participation in the virtual classroom: The effects of gender, race, and age among graduate students in computer science
In: Computers & Education [Peer Reviewed]
Date: July 2020
- Can Online Delivery Increase Access to Education?.
In: Journal of Labor Economics [Peer Reviewed]
Date: January 2019
- A characterization of professional media and its links to research
In: Scientometrics [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- Doctoral Trainee Preferences for Career Development Resources: The Influence of Peer and Other Supportive Social Capital
In: International Journal of Doctoral Education [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- Preferences for peer-reviewed versus other publication sources: a survey of general dentists in the National Dental PBRN
In: Implementation Science [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2019
- Differential Social Network Effects on Scholarly Productivity: An Intersectional Analysis
In: Science, Technology and Human Values [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2018
- Missed Opportunities for Detecting Alternative Nicotine Product Use in Youth: Data From the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network
In: Journal of Adolescent Health [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2018
- The unbearable emptiness of tweeting—About journal articles
In: PlosOne [Peer Reviewed]
Date: November 2017
- Dental Blogs, Podcasts, and Associated Social Media: Descriptive Mapping and Analysis
In: Journal of Medical Internet Research [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- Evolving Dental Media: Implications for Evidence-Based Dentistry
In: Journal of Evidence-Based Practice for The Dental Hygienist [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- Take me where I want to go: Institutional prestige, advisor sponsorship, and academic career placement preferences
In: PlosOne [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- The “new normal”: Adapting doctoral trainee career preparation for broad career paths in science
In: PlosOne [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2017
- Learning to play the game: Student publishing as an indicator of future scholarly success.
In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2014
- Bibliographic coupling and network analysis to assess knowledge coalescence in a research center environment
In: Research Evaluation [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2013
- A Boosted-Trees Method for Name Disambiguation
In: Scientometrics
Date: 2012
- The Need to Look Elsewhere: The Push and Pull of Underrepresented Minority Faculty Professional Networks
In: Technology Forecasting and Social Change [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2011
- Boundary-spanning in emerging technology research: determinants of funding success for academic scientists
In: Journal of Technology Transfer [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- The Social Capital of Global Ties in Science: The Added Value of International Collaboration
In: Review of Policy Research [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2010
- Evaluating the Improved Research Capacity of EPSCoR States: R&D Funding and Collaborative Networks in the NSF EPSCoR Program
In: Review of Policy Research
Date: 2009
- Models of performance-measurement use in local governments: Understanding budgeting, communication, and lasting effects
In: Public Administration Review [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2005
- Assessing the outcomes of state science and technology organizations
In: Economic Development Quarterly [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2004
- Budgeters' views of state performance-budgeting systems: Distinctions across branches
In: Public Administration Review [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2001
- Implementing PBB: Conflicting views of success
In: Public Budgeting & Finance [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2000
- The Art of Partnering Across Sectors: The Influence of Centrality Strategies of State R&D Projects
In: Advancing Public Management: New Developments in Theory, Methods and Practices [Peer Reviewed]
Date: 2000