Program Evaluation, Public Management and Administration

  • Brian An

    Title: Assistant Professor, Director of MSPP Program, Co-Director of Center for Urban Research

    Office Phone:

    Office Location:

  • Lindsey Rose Bullinger

    Title: Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 309

  • Susan Cozzens

    Title: Professor Emerita

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Off campus

  • Diana Hicks

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: Rich 219

  • Gordon Kingsley

    Title: Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G05A

  • Cheryl Leggon

    Title: Retired Associate Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith G03

  • Nathan W. Moon

    Title: Principal Research Scientist

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: IPST 314

  • Georgia Persons

    Title: Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: DM Smith 209

  • Travis Whetsell

    Title: Assistant Professor

    Office Phone:

    Office Location: