Georgia Tech's School of Public Policy and School of Cybersecurity and Privacy proudly present the Cybersecurity Summer Institute
Cybersecurity has become a common feature of national and global politics. The main goal of the Cybersecurity Summer Institute (CSI) is to provide Ph.D. students with foundational knowledge of both the technical and social aspects of cybersecurity and to facilitate interdisciplinary research on this topic. By the end of CSI, policy students should become more aware of the technical complexities of their research, whereas computer science students should have a better understanding of the policy implications of their research. Students should leave CSI with a robust foundational understanding of cybersecurity in order to continue conducting in-depth research combining the strengths of both the computer science and policy fields.
Meet the Inaugural Cohort
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Abid Adonis

Abid A. Adonis is a DPhil/Ph.D. student at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford. His DPhil research aims to understand digital sovereignty in the United States, the European Union, and China.
Usman Baba

Usman Ahmad Baba is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program in computer science at Modibbo Adama University in Adamawa State, Nigeria. He is working towards the application of dimensionality reduction to network intrusion detection systems.
Isadora Borges Monroy

Isadora Borges Monroy is a Political Science Ph.D. candidate and Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship at McGill University. She studies democratic citizen attitudes towards their governments’ mass online surveillance policies.
Gal Dor

Gal Dor is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Political Sciences at the University of Haifa. Her research focuses on the psychological mechanisms underpinning the cognitive heuristics of decision-making processes in the cyber domain.
Sidorova Evgenia

Sidorova Evgenia holds Master of Arts degrees in Economics and Political Science from Stony Brook University. Her current interests are in cyber regulation and policy diffusion.
Niamh Healy

Niamh Healy is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science at University College London, where she is part of the inaugural cohort of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Cybersecurity. Niamh’s Ph.D. research focuses on how governments and digital technology companies resolve disputes about digital technology.
Louise Marie Hurel

Louise Marie Hurel is a Ph.D. researcher in data, networks, and society at the London School of Economics’ Department of Media and Communications. Her research focuses on risk, cybersecurity governance, and incident response.
Nivedita Jhunjhunwala

Nivedita Jhunjhunwala is a doctoral student of government at the University of Texas at Austin. Her work focuses on government usage of algorithmic technologies to pursue political goals both internationally as well as domestically.
Kyoung-cheol Kim

Kyoung-cheol (Casey) Kim from Seoul, Korea is a doctoral student in the department of public administration and policy at the University of Georgia. He is committed to studying the impacts of AI on governmental structuring and functioning in governance, and the conjoined criticality of cybersecurity for high-reliability organizations.
Marcelo Leal

Marcelo Leal is a Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a research fellow at the National Center for Digital Government. His research lies at the intersection of cybersecurity, foreign policy, and public opinion.
Hyea Won Lee

Hyea Won Lee is a digital development specialist at the Digital Development Global Practice of the World Bank. Since joining the World Bank in 2017, she has worked on a range of investment projects and analytical work focused on digital connectivity, telecommunication regulations, cybersecurity, and digital agriculture in multiple countries in Asia, Africa, and Middle East regions.
Dalya Manatova

Dalya Manatova is a Ph.D. student in security informatics at Indiana University. Currently, she is working on projects examining the communities formed on the dark web, how they build online trust, and impact information security.
Kennedy Middleton

Kennedy is a Ph.D. student in the U.C. San Diego Department of Political Science, where she is an Institute of Practical Ethics fellow; and a researcher in the Cyber Escalation Lab at the Center for Peace and Security Studies. Her research interests include internet censorship and cybersecurity, with a specific focus on the political economy of censorship.
Asif Rafiq

Asif Rafiq is an experienced IT/ICT professional with 12 years of experience in IT and telecommunication industries and 4 years of academic research fellow experience in computer science, interested specifically in distributed denial of service attack detection and mitigation.
Divya Ramjee

Divya Ramjee is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Justice, Law, and Criminology at American University in Washington, D.C., whose research interests include cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime, cyber and tech policy, and political methodology.
Elmamoun Sulfab

Moon Yousif Sulfab is the administrator of information technology for the office of the Senate Republican Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. Sulfab is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at the School of Public and International Affairs, Virginia Tech — his research interests are in security studies with a focus in cyber governance, cyber regimes, and digital diplomacy.