Saira Draper

Name: Saira Draper Picture of Faculty/Staff Member
Alumni Of:
  • School of Public Policy
  • B.S. PUBP 2006
Current Job: Director of Voter Protection for the Democratic Party of Georgia

Saira Draper is an attorney with experience in the private, public interest, and political sectors. Currently she is the Director of Voter Protection for the Democratic Party of Georgia, where she oversees efforts to protect the integrity of state election systems and ensure that all Georgians have equal and easy access to the polls. 

Prior to joining the Democratic Party of Georgia, Saira practiced civil rights impact litigation at the Southern Poverty Law Center. There, she was class counsel in a federal lawsuit challenging government policies separating detained immigrant children from their families. Saira began her legal career at the law firm Jones Day, where she helped clients navigate complex governmental and internal investigations as well as provided defense-side representation in commercial litigation disputes. Before law school, she lived and worked in a rural community in Honduras while she served in the U.S. Peace Corps. 

Saira is a 2006 graduate of Georgia Tech’s School of Public Policy. While at Georgia Tech, Saira was a president’s scholar, student body vice president, a member of the mock trial team, and Ms. Georgia Tech. Recently, Saira was a visiting adjunct professor at the School of Public Policy, leading sections of GT1000 for students interested in pursuing a career in law. Saira can be reached at She loves hearing from current Georgia Tech students and would happily provide career advice for those considering the legal field.