Evaluating industrial modernization: Methods, results, and insights from the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Alliance

Title: Evaluating industrial modernization: Methods, results, and insights from the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Alliance
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: December 1998
Published In: Journal of Technology Transfer
Description: This paper examines the experience of the Georgia Manufacturing Extension Alliance (GMEA) in implementing an evaluation of its industrial extension services. As part of the U.S. Manufacturing Extension partnership, GMEA provides assistance to manufacturers to resolve industrial and business problems and upgrade technology, training, and business performance, focusing primarily on firms within the state of Georgia. The program has established an evaluation component along with other assessment and review mechanisms. Several evaluation methods are employed, including customer surveys, economic analyses of benefits and costs, controlled studies, and logic-based case studies. The article examines the strengths and weaknesses of these different approaches, reviews the insights each method offers, and discusses how the resulting evaluative information is used.
Ivan Allen College Contributors:
Citation: Journal of Technology Transfer. 23. Issue 1. 17 - 27. ISSN 0892-9912.
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