In and across bureaucracy: Structural and administrative issues for the tobacco endgame

Title: In and across bureaucracy: Structural and administrative issues for the tobacco endgame
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: 2013
Published In: Tobacco Control
Description: This article assesses the structural choices for the proposed tobacco endgame strategies. I focus on the issues associated with particular structural choices for the location of the implementation. Specifically, I discuss issues related to implementation of the endgame within a specific single agency, and issues related to a more widespread, broad implementation involving several agencies. Where appropriate, I provide examples of how the dynamics discussed would apply to particular endgame strategies. Issues related to design, administration, authority and finances are raised.
Citation: Tobacco Control. 22. Issue SUPPL. 1. ISSN 0964-4563. DOI 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050828.
Related Departments:
  • School of Public Policy