Hans Klein

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Member Of:
  • School of Public Policy
Office Location: Rich 309b
Office Hours: By appointment
Related Links:
Email Address: hans@gatech.edu


Pronunciation of Name:
"hahntz kline"

Hans Klein is Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research focuses on institutions and policy processes around large technical systems (especially the Internet and surface transportation.) Professor Klein’s work bridges theory and practice, and he has contributed directly to a variety of policy processes.

Internet Governance and Institutions: Klein’s research focuses on globalization, democracy, and Internet governance. He served as the Chair of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility and led their activities on global Internet governance. From 1997 to 2005 Klein participated actively in the institutional design processes of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), where he partnered with the ACLU. Klein was involved in early-stage policy analysis and the organizing of proponents of democratic accountability mechanisms for ICANN.

Media Institutions and Digital Persuasion: Klein has researched how institutional design conditions the possibility of media independence. His early works focus on public access television, and he served on the board of Cambridge [Massachusetts] Community Television as well as on the Atlanta Telecommunications Policy Advisory Committee.  His more recent work focuses on cross-border digital media campaigns. Klein has presented at US Special Operations University at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, and he has elsewhere organized panels and workshops on political warfare and propaganda. He has argued against today's claims about disinformation, and his research has shown that what is called cross-border propaganda can in fact promote democratic discourse.

Intelligent Transportation: Klein has researched how the institutions of the transportation sector shaped the launch and development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in the US, Europe, and Japan.  He served as a policy analyst for the Transportation Research Board (National Academy of Engineering) as it planned a national program in ITS. He also served on a Federal Advisory Committee to Congress and the Secretary of Transportation on ITS.

Atlanta Beltline and Transit Policy: Since 2022 Klein has been actively involved in debates about the deployment of light rail onto the Atlanta Beltline (a rails-to-trail conversion heavily used as a linear park.) Klein was involved in early-stage policy analysis and the organizing of proponents to preserve the Beltline as a park.

Business Experience: Klein has served as a software developer for Schlumberger Graphics Corporation (formerly Benson) in Paris, France, and was an international marketing executive with Olivetti Corporation in Milan, Italy.  He was a system programmer/consultant for Microsoft’s subsidiary in Munich, Germany. He has also worked with neighborhood associations for revitalization in Atlanta.

In addition to his current position at Georgia Tech, Klein has held these academic positions:

  • Princeton University: Microsoft Visiting Professor, School of Public and International Affairs and Center for Information Technology and Policy.
  • Hertie School of Governance (Berlin): DAAD Visiting Scholar.
  • Paris School of Mines (École nationale supérieure des mines) (Paris): Chateaubriand Visiting Scholar.
  • George Mason University (Washington, DC, region): Research Assistant Professor.
  • Technical University of Munich: DAAD post-graduate scholar.



  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ph.D. in Political Science (1996)
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. M.S. in Technology and Policy (1993)
  • Princeton University. B.S. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (1983)
  • Belmont Hill School (Belmont, MA). High School Diploma (1978)
Areas of
  • Institutions And Policy Processes
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems Policy And Institutions
  • Internet Governance Institutions And Policy
  • Large Technical Systems
  • Media Institutions, Persuasion, And Propaganda
  • Political Theory
  • Social Construction Of Technology
  • Transit Policy And Institutions


Research Fields:
  • Cybersecurity
  • Ethics and Philosophy of Science and Technology
  • Information and Communications Technology Policy
  • Europe
  • United States
  • Inequality and Social Justice


  • PHIL-3127: Sci, Tech & Human Values
  • PST-3127: Sci,Tech & Human Values
  • PUBP-3502: IT/Comm/Telecom Policy
  • PUBP-4111: Internet & Public Policy
  • PUBP-4803: Special Topics
  • PUBP-6111: Internet & Public Policy
  • PUBP-6502: IT/Comm/Telecom Policy
  • PUBP-8803: Special Topics