Policy considerations for states supporting stem cell research: Evidence from a survey of stem cell scientists

Title: Policy considerations for states supporting stem cell research: Evidence from a survey of stem cell scientists
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: July 2008
Published In: Public Administration Review
Description: Five states now provide funding for stem cell research, and many states are developing or debating stem cell research policies. Despite this interest, little data exist to help policy makers design policies or forecast the impact of new legislation. This article reports novel data from two surveys: one directed at those most affected by these policies - stem cell scientists - and one at a group of biomedical researchers working in less contentious fields. These data identified relatively high mobility among stem cell scientists, particularly in states with restrictive policies, and a strong preference for states with permissive policies. These findings suggest that state-specific policies may prove to be effective recruiting tools. They also suggest specific recruitment strategies and highlight the importance of first-mover advantage as states compete for the same limited pool of mobile scientists. This research aims to provide a factual basis to support ongoing policy formulation in the area. © 2008 The American Society for Public Administration.
Citation: Public Administration Review. 68. Issue 4. 681 - 694. ISSN 0033-3352. DOI 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2008.00907.x.
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  • School of Public Policy